
Credits πŸ™Œ

Spacebook was inspired by my search for the simplest possible way to spin up a modern website in the least amount of time, with the freedom to extend as needed, zero cost, no maintenance burden, and virtually zero effort.

Eleventy was a perfect fit, and I spent many hours researching these and other starter projects for ideas and inspiration:

  • Eleventy Netlify Boilerplate by Dan Urbanowiczi – I used this as the basis for Netlify CMS integration and for my initial overall code structure
  • Eleventy-Tailwind-AlpineJS Starter by Greg Wolanski – this was the method I followed for integrating Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js
  • Eleventy Base Blog by Zach Leatherman and the Eleventy team – I used this as an β€œofficial” reference even though spacebooks do not contain blog functionality
  • Staticrypt implementation by various, mostly a ton of trial and error and this helpful Gist linked from the Staticrypt issue queue
  • Nextra by Shu Ding – this is a Next.js project that also uses Tailwind and helped inspire the initial design/layout of a spacebook. (Spacebook has now diverged from this quite a bit, and in retrospect, this is a fairly common layout for many modern documentation sites and for a good reason 😍)
  • Add Search to an Eleventy website with Elasticlunr by Duncan McDougall – this gave me the basics for integrating Elasticlunr
  • 404 – I wanted a spacebook-themed 404 not found page and found this one by Siddhant-K-code. I’m still tinkering on the JS for the animation πŸ˜ƒ

Overall I investigated and researched more than a dozen additional Eleventy starter projects for inspiration, code snippets, and to learn more about how Eleventy works. Thanks to all – there is no one β€œright way” to build an Eleventy site and this is just one small attempt.

Made with ❀ in Minneapolis